Facebook Page Posts 02 - Scheduling
In the last article, I mentioned the three main types of posts for a Facebook business page: Tells, Asks and Sells. At their most basic, they do exactly what the name says. In this article, we're going to talk about a way to connect with your followers that has nothing to do with the content of your messages.
I have a childhood friend that owns a multi-million dollar bug extermination business in Phoenix, AZ. I love her dearly, but her posts to her FB page suck. Not the content - they're actually very informative Tells. No, it's the lack of a schedule.
See, her FB page will go for months without a post or an update. Then suddenly, three new posts will appear in the space of a couple hours. And then her page goes dead again for weeks or months.
One of the best things you can do to help develop a relationship with your target audience is to be consistent. In this case, you should make your posts come out at regular intervals. It might be once a day, a couple times a week, once every two or three weeks, or even longer. How do you know the most effective interval?
Let me be the first to acknowledge that you can't believe everything you read on the Internet. (Well, maybe I'm not the first person... ) And you can't entirely believe what people tell you when you ask them a direct question. But if you're posting messages every day, and people tell you they want to see you post just once a week, it's something to consider. You'll get the answer "Every day!" from people who visit your page every day. "Once per month" is an answer someone might be able to leave, if they saw your question when it was posted, instead of the one day a month they visited your page.
It's not the frequency of your posts that are important. It's the regularity - the fact that people can count on seeing your posts every certain number of days, and at the same time. Posts about "How to manage your day better" should probably come early in the morning for your audience. "Hump day hints" are probably expected on Wednesdays. While having a post come out every day, or every Tuesday evening, or whenever is a fine idea, real life often gets in the way of sitting down and cranking out a post.
And that's where the Publishing Tools on Facebook pages come in. You can actually schedule posts weeks, or even months in advance. For this, you have to be the administrator (admin) for your page, or an editor or moderator (mod). You should schedule the upcoming steps.
Set aside at least an hour - I generally allow half a day for this work - and get a piece of paper, or your computer, and start jotting down ideas for the posts you want to create for the next six months or so. I'd also have a calendar or datebook on hand, so that you can look up major holidays - I schedule those for my clients and myself first.
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